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Neocron 3 is Announced!
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Well, what a week.

It all started with a question on the Black Prophecy forums, when a former Neocron player going under the name of RUben11 asked the following .

"As an old Neocron player, I was wondering why KK didn't made a new Neocron instead of a space fighter game.. I'm not sure though, but I'm guessing that a new Neocron would have been more succesfull and fun then BP. Anyone know the developers decision on this?"

Hoder , one of the long standing Senior GM's for Neocron, chipped in with this response, which wasn't anything official, but he gave his own thoughts.

"Financially speaking, the success of BP will open a lot of doors. I can't speculate any more than that. "

Which is a very fair response, one I would personally agree with. If BP is a success, Neocron 3 could be a possibility.

I don't think anyone was expecting anything more from ReaKKtor, until this came from Kirk Lenke .

"Hi RUben11,

I can only agree with Hoder. And be sure that we haven't lost NC from our radar...damn no way!

Take care


Followed with an update from Kirk 3 days later with some more details .

"Hi guys,

I hear you loud and clear. And I do know that the NC community is waiting for the fixed patch. The patch itself went well and stable while we have tested it inhouse but due to some circumstances it messed the servers up - but you know that.

We still have it on the agenda! (!!!) But right now we want this Baby to fly properly and give the people lot of fun.

Neocron is still in our minds and we have decent plans in regard of an NC3 - and be sure that I will do everything to get these plans real... I would like to start with it soon and we are already in negotiations.

Another thing would be to make at least some money with our current NC2 because this money would go directly to NC3 developement BUT before we take some (small and I mean a small amount) money it is mandatory to get some things fixed in your interests.

I will keep you posted as soon as find more time.

Please also forward this to the NC Comm if you like.

Take care and keep rockin'


At this point, Tangent made peace with Fallen Angels (Joking!), there was dancing in Plaza 1 (Honest!), and a Larent Hoverbomber was spotted in the wastelands. (However the runner claiming this, did drink one too many Cron 55's in Plaza 1!)

However, there is a thread open on Neocron 3 - feel free to join in here .

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Titan 14 Online

Last updated Fri 28 Feb 2025 13:00 (UTC)

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