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Test server patch R#184|T#187 released
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Another test server patch has been released over the last couple of days, which features a major re-working of how unressed rare parts stack. The patch notes can be discussed here .


  • Fixed a bug in the Twilight Guardian Epic Mission.

  • Un-researched Rare Parts will now stack as L, T and E parts, regardless of what part they will become once researched.
  • Un-researched MC5 Parts will now stack in a single independent stack, regardless of what part they will become once researched.

  • Tweaked positions of Twilight Guardian guards in Canyon Sectors (introduced in T#184).
  • Static Warbots in the Juggernaut Facility are no longer inside out.

  • Added appropriate dialogue to replace place holder 'Damn! Locked!' messages related to SL changes.
  • Fixed a bug which caused players to hold weapons in the wrong pose.
  • Character Creation now correctly lists 'Canyon Facility' as the starting location of Twilight Guardian.
  • Character Creation now correctly lists 'Outzone' as the starting location of Brotherhood of Crahn.


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Titan 10 Online

Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 08:05 (UTC)

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