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Neocron 2.2 Balance Discussion.
Written by Tratos   
Friday, 17 March 2006

A couple hours ago, ReaKKtor opened the topic of balance to the community on an official level with the introduction of the balance forums. The main aim of these forums is to discuss many elements of the game to try and come to a solution for the game's balance state, after the discussion are carried out the results of them will be applied to the test server so feedback can be taken on the new approach and changes to those game elements.

You can find more details in this thread or alternativly you can hop straight into the forum by clicking here. The balance forums are only available to paying customers of Neocron and you must have a forum account to take part. So if you're playing Neocron and arn't registered get yourself there and sign up and tie your forum and game accounts in the launcher as you can take part in the biggest balance review since early Neocron 1 beta!  

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