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NC2.1 - New website.
Written by Fear Me!   
Tuesday, 22 November 2005

Thanatos annoucned today that there would be new website launching with the release of Neocron 2.1. Click on read more to read the not so exciting bit from Thanatos, as the must exciting and scary bit is at the Neocron website. Turn off the lights and turn up the volume, and then talk about it here on the official forums.

Thanatos wrote: "With the release of the Neocron Evolution 2.1 Upgrade on December 1, we will also unveil the brand new website! It is a completely new, appealing and functional design, based on a much more flexible content management system. A lot of information has been added and new features like polls will make it an important tool for every Neocron 2 player."


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