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Forum Watch #3
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 23 June 2006
While Tratos is busy revising and doing his exams, I thought I'll do a little forum watch.  Tratos will be back doing another one soon!

Patch 157 - Well it finally arrived! It seems to be a very bug free patch, and was well recieved by the community, the turrets works, the ceres labs worked, epics worked. The only downside was the issues Wisdom of Ceres Power Armours in some cases - some people are not happy about a few things.

Beyond Patch 157 - Everyone want to know when KK are planning the next patch, and Snowcrash posted this in the thread,"There is no confirmed date for the next patch yet. Please don't expect weekly patches. The balancing project still has the the main focus but of course we will take the opportunities to squish out bugs during the further progress."

Masters of the universe event, looks like it's been delayed a bit and Chenoa is asking for everyone's input on the best timeframe. (Old closed thread link here)

Nidhogg's 13,000th Post, well this couldn't be left out of a forum watch, this thread made us all chuckle a little.

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Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 03:30 (UTC)

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