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Neocron Maps

Maps made by various players and members of the Neocron Community. Quite a few maps where made in Neocron 1, so some maps may not be 100% accurate. If you ever get lost, don't blame us, just use your navray to find the nearest Genrep,


Neocron 1 Maps - All these maps in this section where done for when they was correct in Neocron 1, but they are now inaccurate. The layout of the maps may be the same, but locations for things like go-go's are not.

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file icon World Maps - by CyberDynehot! 05/27/2013 Hits: 5703
Map projects by Cyberdyne Systems (NC1 Jupiter, NC2 Mars)

This archive contains overhead maps of all outposts (called W.A.R. - Wasteland Aerial Reconnaissance ) and the Dome of York tunnel system (called D.T.O. - DoY Tunnel Overview), org. created for Neocron 2 . Some of these maps are used by the THN NC Wiki.

Thanks to Rookie-Doo the maps have been made available again for download here on the THN.
file icon World Map Pack - By Zheodainehot! 05/09/2008 Hits: 6002
The NC2.2 World map and the Nema world map updated by Zheodaine in various formats in a zip file.

The NC2.2 NEMA World map, updated by Zheodaine.

Image dimensions:1417 x 1059

World map for Neocron 2.2 - By Zheodaine.

This is a massive very detailed coloured map, with just about everything on it, including cave locations, DoY tunnel entrances, Genreps, GoGo...etc

Sources: Originally from neocron.ems.ru updated for NC2.2 by Zheodaine.

Image dimensions:2416 x 1688

file icon Swamp Caves - Allhot! 09/07/2006 Hits: 13755

Swamp Caves - All (By: Unknown)
Source: neocron.ems.ru

Image dimensions:768 x 350

file icon Outzone (By: BradSTL)hot! 09/07/2006 Hits: 18838

Description: BradSTL got tired of getting lost in the Outzone, so he made this new map, spacially laid out.
Source: NC Forums

Image dimensions:1111 x 1118

Outzone and Industrial A map by PotoMigato
Description: This is a recent update of the already released "Industrial A" and "Outzone" maps. It is designed so you can easily print it on one sheet of paper. It's always hard getting around those sectors!
Source: NC Forums

Image dimensions:868 x 976
file icon HackNet (By: Thane)hot! 09/07/2006 Hits: 18141

HackNet (By: Thane)
Description: A geographical representation of the HackNet over the NC World Map.
Source: Unknown

Image dimensions:1024 x 768

file icon HackNet (By: eLcHi)hot! 09/07/2006 Hits: 17185

Description: A linear map of NC2's HackNet.
Source: Unknown
Updated: By Pantho, removed the 2nd Gravis.

Image dimensions:1280 x 1024

file icon Graveshot! 09/07/2006 Hits: 12730

Graves (By: Unknown)
Source: neocron.ems.ru

Image dimensions:768 x 474

file icon Dome of York (By: Vidar)hot! 09/07/2006 Hits: 14698

Dome of York (By: Vidar)
Description: Map of the Dome of York City Sectors
Source: Unknown

Image dimensions:1280 x 1276
file icon Dome of York (By: Darkana)hot! 09/07/2006 Hits: 13040

Dome of York (By: Darkana)
Description: An abstract map of DoY.
Source: Official NC Forums

Image dimensions:666 x 746

file icon Dome of York (By: BradSTL)hot! 09/07/2006 Hits: 12282

Dome of York (By: BradSTL)
Description: I tried to painstakingly fit together the maps of the various sectors of the Dome of York, if for no other reason than that's how I learn my own way around.- BradSTL
Source: NC Forums

Image dimensions:919 x 1118

file icon Cristal Caves 2hot! 09/07/2006 Hits: 12240

Cristal Caves 2 (By: Unknown)
Source: neocron.ems.ru

Image dimensions:768 x 388

file icon All-in-one maphot! 09/07/2006 Hits: 19349

All In One Map (By: Unknown)
Source: neoTERM Maps

Image dimensions:1790 x 2193
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Last updated Sat 21 Dec 2024 14:35 (UTC)

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